SteelFiber i125 (.370 Parallel tip) & i125cw (.355 Taper Tip Constant Weight) Shafts
The SteelFiber i125 is generally preferred by players looking to maintain the overall club weight and effort it takes to swing their golf steel shafted irons but want to benefit from the stability of the SteelFiber and the vibration dampening characteristics of a graphite shaft.
The i125 is available in both Taper tip and parallel tip configurations. All Taper tip models also incorporate a “Constant Weight” feature. Therefore each shaft within the set (regardless of length) weigh the same.
Design & Technology
- High modulus graphite core
- Over 59 miles of steel fiber covers the entire surface of each shaft
- Each steel fiber has a diameter of 8 microns or approximately 1/10th the diameter of a human hair